The Bambino

The Bambino
Ain't he kwaaazyyyyyy????

Saturday, December 31, 2011

From January 21st, 2010

So, tonight, January 21, 2010, I attended my very first college course, some 12 years after graduating from Apache Junction H.S.

I thought the class I was taking was Intro to Theater, but due to an oversight on my part, I actually signed up for History of Cinema. (More on that later.)

I was very excited about going to class, in fact my heart has been jumping all week at the very idea of going to school.

This afternoon before school, I had decided to visit my friend Drew over at Idaho Mountain Touring and check out their cruiser selection. Not finding anything in my price range, I decided to return home and go get my bike and have them fix an issue I was having with my brakes.

After having the brakes somewhat fixed, I went home to grab some things before I ventured off to my first college class. The brakes thing took a little longer than expected, so I was in a bit of hurry.

I took off on the bike, was cruising along at a good clip, but my progress was stopped by a red light at the corner of 9th and Front.

So the light turns green, I get a head of steam and am ready to book it across the street. I put my right foot on the pedal, press down with great and force, and then.....


The pedal snaps off. It snaps off. It snaps the fuck off...

My shin bone on the right leg went directly into the sprocket with all the force of the intended pedaling, and my body lunged forward, with nothing unfortunately but my pinky on my left hand breaking my fall. I yell out a mighty 'Ah fuck!!', pull myself and bike off the ground and back up onto the curb. A young lady came running up from behind and says 'Don't worry. I got that car's license plate.' I'm not too sure what she thought she saw, but I sincerely hope she is never my star witness if I am ever on trial for murder.

I lock the bike up, and I head off towards Boise State. I am not 100% sure where my class is exactly. I wouldn't even say I was 50% sure where the class was. Luckily I find it with no problem, but I am still late for having to gimp down the street the last half of my journey with a bloody shin and bloodier pinky.

I walk in as inconspicuously as possible, which I did by walking right in front of the overhead projector. I find a seat, my finger is dripping blood. But I am trying to act like this is not my first college rodeo, so casually pull out a note book and pen from my backpack, albeit with only hand, as the other is below the desk dripping blood onto the floor.

After sitting for 10 minutes or so, I am realizing that this instructor has not mentioned anything about theater. Everything he has mentioned has been about movies. Nothing but movies. So I am thinking that not only was I late for my very first class, I also managed to walk into the wrong one entirely.

I pull out this scrap of paper that I had jotted all the course info on, and as it turns out, I was in the right place after all. Somehow, through completely blind, stinking luck, I managed to sign up for a class that is more my jam than the original.

Anyways, the class was rad, we watch about 18 movie clips, we will be watching whole movies, it is gonna be sweet.

That's all.

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